A primary activity of NYKids is to conduct research and identify promising practices in odds-beating schools.
Results of each study are available in multiple formats and include reports that summarize the results of each study; best practice frameworks that offer comparisons of higher- and typically-performing schools and sample documents from the odds-beating performers; and case studies of the individual higher-performing, odds-beating schools studied.
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2015 AERA – Common Core – Discussant
Presentation of the findings from a comparative study of New York State schools designed to investigate implementation of Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) as they relate to student performance outcomes on CCLS-aligned assessments.
June 18, 2018
2014 Common Core Study – Methods and Procedures
A systematic examination of the ways a variety of schools have approached and responded to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) systems, both part of the Race to the Top reform agenda.
2014 Common Core Study – Theory of Action
A systematic examination of the ways a variety of schools have approached and responded to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) systems, both part of the Race to the Top reform agenda.
2014 Common Core Study – Sage City MS
This case is one part of a comparative study of New York State middle schools designed to investigate implementation of Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) as they relate to student performance outcomes on CCLS-aligned assessments. The study sample included both odds-beating and typically performing schools.
2014 Common Core Study – Roaring Gap MS
This case is one part of a comparative study of New York State middle schools designed to investigate implementation of Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) as they relate to student performance outcomes on CCLS-aligned assessments. The study sample included both odds-beating and typically performing schools.
2014 Common Core Study – Odds-Beating MS – Cross Case
A systematic examination of the ways a variety of schools have approached and responded to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) systems, both part of the Race to the Top reform agenda.
2014 Common Core Study – Odds-Beating Examples
A systematic examination of the ways a variety of schools have approached and responded to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) systems, both part of the Race to the Top reform agenda.
2014 Common Core Study – Odds-Beating ES – Cross Case
A systematic examination of the ways a variety of schools have approached and responded to the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) systems, both part of the Race to the Top reform agenda.
2015 Tools to Build Capacity for Data-Guided Decision Making
This presentation describes the COMPASS process: (1) COMPare practices to higher performers; (2) Assess priorities; (3) Select potential levers to improve; (4) Set SMART goals. And then AIM process: (1) Action planning; (2) Implementation; and (3) Monitoring progress.
2015 The ABCs of Graduating At-Risk Students on Time
This presentation presents findings that in high schools with higher than expected graduation rates, educators are looking beyond graduation to students’ post-secondary needs, and meeting those needs with clear goals, strong relationships, individual attention, and flexibility.
2015 Getting Studnets in Poverty to Graduation and Beyond
This presentation presents findings that in high schools with higher than expected graduation rates, educators are looking beyond graduation to students’ post-secondary needs, and meeting those needs with clear goals, strong relationships, individual attention, and flexibility.
2014 Common Core Study – Eagle Bluff ES
This case is one part of a comparative study of New York State elementary schools designed to investigate implementation of Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) as they relate to student performance outcomes on CCLS-aligned assessments. The study sample included both odds-beating and typically performing schools.
2014 Common Core Study – Bay City ES
This case is one part of a comparative study of New York State elementary schools designed to investigate implementation of Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) as they relate to student performance outcomes on CCLS-aligned assessments. The study sample included both odds-beating and typically performing schools.
2014 Poverty, Performance and Practice
This article discusses findings across studies of higher performing schools since 2005.
2014 University at Albany researchers identify ways schools succeed
In a new study, a team from the University at Albany’s School of Education examined high school completion.
2014 The value of people, place and possibilities
Discussion of findings from rural high schools that graduate students at higher rates than comparison districts.
2013 High School Completion – Whitesville HS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Summary
An investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Full Report
An investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Elmont Memorial JSHS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 Diversity, Poverty and Resilience
This presentation discusses the best practices of elementary schools that outperform others among populations of critical needs students, such as those living in poverty.
2013 High School Completion – Brookfield Central HS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Amityville Memorial HS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Eastridge HS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
2013 High School Completion – Prattsburgh Central HS
A case study report from an investigation of 13 high schools; eight of these schools had consistently higher than predicted graduation rates among at least two critical needs groups and five consistently achieved average graduation rates, given their student demographics.
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