NYKids COVID-19 & Remote Learning Interview with Dr Vincent Romano-Principal, Malverne Sr HS
In this video interview conducted by NYKids Director, Dr. Kristen Wilcox, and NYKids Post-Doctorate Fellow, Dr. Aaron Leo; Dr. Vincent Romano, Principal at Malverne Senior High School, a positive outlier school in Malverne, NY, shares insight into the ways his school and district have built upon existing instructional and education technology plans to develop remote learning strategies in response to COVID-19 school closures. The discussion explores current goals, challenges, and successes related to the quick switch to remote learning on topics such as: developing, implementing, and supporting online synchronous teaching and learning; adapting to new approaches for using technology in instruction; the importance of communication and connective support for students, families, and teachers; considerations for educational equity and social-emotional learning; and future strategic planning and preparation for ongoing considerations related to remote teaching and learning.