By Amanda Lester Through this second installment in the NYKids 20-20 blog series, we look back at 15 years of NYKids’ research in schools across New York State to revisit past findings from the odds-beating schools, alongside lessons learned from …
By Fang (Lisa) Yu Increasing diversity in suburban communities challenges the prevailing myth that students educated in suburban schools come from White and middle-class families. Instead, recent studies have found that suburban schools are undergoing a demographic shift with upticks …
By Aaron Leo As the student population in New York State and across the country continues to become more socioeconomically, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse, the challenge of engaging each child also increases. One promising approach articulated by Geneva Gay …
By Kristen C. Wilcox and Jim Wager Since the early 2000’s New York State has seen changes evident across the nation, and these changes have affected schools and the children and adults who step in their doors every day. Some …
by Amanda J. Lester The unique characteristics of rural school districts and their surrounding communities present both challenges and opportunities for rural school educators. Some of the challenges faced by educators in rural school communities are similar to those faced …
by Fang (Lisa) Yu and Aaron Leo The Culture and Climate Connection Many educators and policymakers have realized that student achievement is highly affected by school culture and climate. Malverne Senior High School in the NYKids Phase I College and …
By Aaron Leo A major goal of qualitative research is to glean a rich and deep understanding of participants’ experiences and perspectives. Unlike quantitative studies that often seek to confirm a hypothesis or identify a particular trend or pattern through …
By Brian Rhode and Amanda Lester Organizational models and leadership practices can play a significant role in affecting student outcomes. As noted in recent school leadership research, “Leaders in schools matter, and their importance is illuminated when they make a …
By Kristen C. Wilcox and Fang (Lisa) Yu Finding out what kids think about their educational experiences is key to improving what educators do. At the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, a core principle of improvement rests on …
By Kristen C. Wilcox School and system leaders need innovations that help them to produce improvements that address disparities of opportunities and outcomes experienced by too many marginalized youth in K-12 schools. Innovative practices that re-center leaders’ attention on the …