Announcing NYKids’ Deep Dive Podcast: First Episode with Dave Little from the Rural Schools Association
Keeping up with NYKids research and school improvement work in New York State just got more exciting!
We’re excited to announce the NYKids Deep Dive, a new podcast series featuring the voices of educators, researchers, and advocates for high-quality educational opportunities from across New York State.
Deep Dive is a New York Kids podcast where we dive into our principles to “Inform, Inspire, and Improve” New York State Schools through conversations with researchers, educators, and advocates for high-quality educational opportunities from across the state. We invite you to join us in an exploration of research, practices, and policies focused on improving educational opportunities for all of New York’s kids.
In our first episode, NYKids Assistant Director, Aaron Leo, talks with Dave Little from the Rural Schools Association (RSA). The conversation covers all things rural including the unique challenges facing rural schools and new policies and programs aimed at improving the educational experiences of rural students, and the important work being done at the RSA.
A sneak peek of the topics covered and key takeaways:
- How rural leaders grapple with staffing challenges in their school districts
- The state of youth mental health in rural communities
- The latest projects being undertaken by the RSA
- What’s on the horizon for rural schools across New York State
For more – we invite you to listen to the entire conversation on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
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